
The toolbar simply is a collection of the most frequently used functions out of the menus and this way makes them to be called easily just on clicking them. Most of these icons are self-explanatory, especially for windows user.


Creates a new level

Open Opens an existing level
Save Saves all changes
Copy Copies all selected objects
Paste Adds all previously copied objects into the level.
Undo Undo the last change
Redo Redo an undone change
Build Build the level in Entities Only mode
Run The level will be started with the script currently assigned.
Lock Selection

The currently existing selection can´t be changed until the "Lock Selection" butten is released.

Move (Transform) Objects are moved on click onto the transformation arrows.
Rotate (Transform) Objects are rotated (shortcut: ALT)
Scale (Transform) Objects are scaled (shortcut: ALT+CTRL)
Clone Objects Duplicates all of the selected objects
Add Objects Opens a pop up menu where to select whether a model, a map entity, a sprite or a terrain shall be created.
Delete Objects Deletes all selected objects.
Add Object(s) Mode Activates respectively de-activates the Add Object(s) mode.
Terrain Mode

This mode only can be activated if a terrain is selected. Within the terrain mode terrains can be deformed and painted onto.

Move Camera

Within the Move Camera mode no objects can be selected.

With this mode the following buttons are active:

  • [Left Mouse] rotates the camera
  • [Right Mouse] moves the camera vertically
  • [Mouse Wheel]moves the camera forewards and backwards
Move Eye

Within the Move Eye mode no objects can be selected.

With this mode the following buttons are active:

  • [Left Mouse] moves the camera vertically.
  • [Right Mouse] moves the camera horizontally
  • [Mouse Wheel] moves the camera forewards and backwards
Rotate Eye

Within the Rotate Eye mode no objects can be selected.

With this mode the following buttons are active:

  • [Left Mouse] rotates and moves the camera around selected objects or, if no objects are selected, the camera rotates around a point in front of the camera.
  • [Right Mouse] rotates the camera
  • [Mouse Wheel] moves the camera forewards and backwards

Within the Zoom Eye mode no objects can be selected.

With this mode the following buttons are active:

  • [Left Mouse] moves the camera forewards and backwards.
  • [Right Mouse] rotates the camera

Within the Walkthrough mode no objects can be selected. The mouse will be hidden.

With this mode the following buttons are active:

  • [ESC] exits the walkthrough mode.
  • [W/A/S/D] moves the camera.
  • [Shift] doubles the camera speed.

Within this camera mode objects can be selected.

The following buttons are active:

  • [W/A/S/D] moves the camera
  • [Pfeiltasten] moves the camera
  • [Q/E] moves the camera up / down.
  • [Rechte Maustaste] rotates the camera
  • [Mausrad] moves the camera forewards and backwards.
  • [Shift] doubles the camera speed.

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