on_joy1 ... on_joy2_10

The function is executed when the first joystick button is pressed. The ON_JOY2 .. ON_JOY10 and ON_JOY2_1 ... ON_JOY2_10 button events can be used in a similar way for the other buttons and the second joystick. Dependent on the number of the button, the numbers 256 (button 1, joystick 1) ... 275 (button 10, joystick 2) are passed as parameter to the function.


var mpos[2]; 

function store_mouse_pos(button) { if (button == 270) { mpos[0] = mouse_cursor.x; mpos[1] = mouse_cursor.y; } }

void main() { ...
on_joy2_5 = store_mouse_pos; ...

See also:

on_click, on_mouse_left, on_mouse_stop, on_f1, on_anykey,

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