PLUGINDIR "dirname";
WDL keyword; gives a folder for engine plugin DLLs. The engine automatically
opens all plugins in this folder.
"gstudio\\acknex_plugins" in development mode,
"." (current folder) in release mode.
- A backslash '\' must be given in C notation as '\\'. The folder name must not end with
'\'. "." refers to the work folder.
Absolute or relative paths can be given. Relative paths are relative to the work folder, and must be subfolders of the work folder. For folders above the work folder, absolute paths must be used.
In development mode, plugins are opened both in the PLUGINDIR folder and A7.7 in the work folder. In release mode, plugins are only opened in the PLUGINDIR folder.
For preventing the released version from opening plugins - for instance, when the application is a screensaver located in the Windows folder - give PLUGINDIR NULL;.
PLUGINDIR = "plugins"; // open Dlls in the "plugins" subfolder
See also:
Plugin SDK, PRAGMA_PLUGIN ► latest
version online