bmap_blit (BMAP* bmDest, BMAP* bmSrc, VECTOR* vDestPos, VECTOR* vDestSize);

bmap_blitpart (BMAP* bmDest, BMAP* bmSrc, VECTOR* vDestPos, VECTOR* vDestSize, VECTOR* vSrcPos, VECTOR* vSrcSize);

Copies the content of a bmap scaled to a certain position in a target bmap.


bmDest Target bmap.
bmSrc Source bmap.
vDestPos Target xy position in pixels relative to the upper left corner, or NULL for blitting to the bitmap beginning.
vDestSize Target xy size in pixels for scaling the bitmap, or NULL for no scaling.
vSrcPos Source xy position in pixels relative to the upper left corner, or NULL for blitting from the bitmap beginning.
vSrcSize Source xy size in pixels for blitting only a part of the bitmap, or NULL for blitting the whole bitmap.


Slow (depends on scaling and on whether the bitmap is visible or used as a render target)



// create a scaled-down cubemap from the level sky cube
BMAP* bmap_skycube;

function get_skycube() 
	if (NULL == sky_cube_level) {
bmap_skycube = bmap_create("skycube+6.tga"); // create a dummy sky cube when there's none in the level
} else {
bmap_skycube = bmap_createblack(1536,256,24); // create an empty bmap
bmap_blit(bmap_skycube,bmap_for_entity(sky_cube_level,1),vector(0,0,0),vector(256,256,0)); // get the west
bmap_blit(bmap_skycube,bmap_for_entity(sky_cube_level,2),vector(256,0,0),vector(256,256,0)); // get the north
bmap_blit(bmap_skycube,bmap_for_entity(sky_cube_level,3),vector(512,0,0),vector(256,256,0)); // get the east
bmap_blit(bmap_skycube,bmap_for_entity(sky_cube_level,4),vector(768,0,0),vector(256,256,0)); // get the south
bmap_blit(bmap_skycube,bmap_for_entity(sky_cube_level,5),vector(1024,0,0),vector(256,256,0)); // get the ground
bmap_blit(bmap_skycube,bmap_for_entity(sky_cube_level,6),vector(1280,0,0),vector(256,256,0)); // get the sky
bmap_to_cubemap(bmap_skycube); // convert to cubemap }

See also:

bmap_unlock, bmap_lock, bmap_fill, bmap_to_cubemap, pixel_for_bmap, pixel_for_vec

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