ent_getvertex(ENTITY* ent, CONTACT* c, var num);

ent_setvertex(ENTITY* ent, CONTACT* c, var num);

Returns or sets a single vertex of a model or terrain mesh. The functions can be used to deform a mesh in real time.


ent model or terrain entity pointer.
num vertex number, beginning with 1.
c Pointer to a pre-filled CONTACT* struct (defined in atypes.h) for setting or reading the vertex content. With ent_getvertex, NULL can be given for returning the pointer to an internal static CONTACT struct.

The following members of the CONTACT struct are used (see also hit):

c.v D3DVERTEX* pointer of the current animated and interpolated mesh position, set by ent_getvertex and used by ent_setvertex for updating the mesh. Note that the vertex position is float instead of var and uses the DX coordinate system. The D3DVERTEX format is described in the shader section and defined in atypes.h.
c.x,y,z VECTOR containing the vertex position in local entity coordinates, set by ent_getvertex. On non animated entities, the position is the same as in c.v; on vertex animated entities, it's the vertex position in the current non-interpolated frame; on bones animated entities, it's the vertex position of the base frame. Set c.v to NULL when ent_setvertex should update this vector rather than c.v. Updating c.v is faster, but won't work for animated entities.
c.nx,ny,nz VECTOR containing the vertex normal, set by ent_getvertex. For changing the vertex normal, use c.v.
c.vertex Local vertex number within the sub-mesh. Set by by ent_getvertex and used by ent_setvertex for multi-mesh entities.
c.chunk Sub-mesh number in case of multi-mesh entities, such as map entities or chunked terrain. Set by ent_getvertex and used by ent_setvertex.
c.model Sub-mesh pointer, set by by ent_getvertex. If this pointer is nonzero, ent_getvertex uses the c.vertex value for the vertex number, instead of the num parameter. This speeds up the function on multi-mesh entities. Set this pointer to NULL when ent_getvertex was not called before ent_setvertex.


CONTACT* struct pointer, or NULL if the function failed.


Slow on first call, fast on subsequent calls.



A7.62  LC 

Examples (lite-C):

// raise all terrain vertices by 5 units
function raise_terrain(ENTITY* terrain)
  int i = ent_status(terrain,0); // number of vertices
for (; i>0; i--) {
CONTACT* c = ent_getvertex(terrain,NULL,i);
c.v.y += 5.0; // raise the vertex (y is the height in DX coorcinates)
} // use a gun to produce mole-hills in terrain function mole_gun() { while (1) { // calculate the target vector VECTOR trace_target; vec_set(trace_target,vector(5000,0,0)); // firing range 5000 quants vec_rotate(trace_target, camera.pan); vec_add(trace_target, camera.x); // display a red spot at the target position if (c_trace(camera.x,trace_target, IGNORE_PASSABLE | USE_POLYGON| SCAN_TEXTURE) > 0) // hit something? draw_point3d(hit.x,vector(50,50,255),100,3); if (key_ctrl && HIT_TARGET && you && ent_type(you) == 4) // fire onto terrain { // create a mole-hill by elevating the closest terrain vertex
var vertex_num = ent_nextvertex(you,hit.x);
CONTACT* contact = ent_getvertex(you,NULL,vertex_num);
c.z += 10; // increase the vertex height c.v = NULL; // c.x,y,z was changed, instead of c.v
ent_setvertex(you,c,vertex_num); // update the mesh wait(-0.5); // reload } wait(1); } }

See also:

ent_status, ent_nextvertex, ent_getmesh, ent_buffers, hit

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