If a matrix with this name appears in a shader, the engine calculates the tangents
for the 3rd texture coordinate set (TEXCOORD2) for all models using that
- The binormal vector can be calculated by the vertex shader from
the cross product of the vertex normal and the tangent.
On animated models the tangents have to be recalculated
every frame, affecting the frame rate. Use the tangent matrix
with care.
// normal mapping effect for vs 1.1 / ps 1.1
texture entSkin1; // texture
texture entSkin2; // normal map
sampler sBaseTex = sampler_state { Texture = <entSkin1>; };
sampler sBump = sampler_state { Texture = <entSkin2>; };
float4 vecSunDir;
float4x4 matWorldViewProj;
float3x3 matTangent; // hint for the engine to create tangents in TEXCOORD2
// create a matrix for conversion to tangent space
void CreateTangents(float3 inNormal,float3 inTangent)
matTangent[0] = mul(inTangent,matWorld);
matTangent[1] = mul(cross(inTangent,inNormal),matWorld); // binormal
matTangent[2] = mul(inNormal,matWorld);
struct out_bump
float4 Pos: POSITION;
float2 Tex: TEXCOORD0;
float2 Bump: TEXCOORD1;
float3 Light: TEXCOORD2;
out_bump vs_bump(
in float4 inPos: POSITION,
in float3 inNormal: NORMAL,
in float2 inTex: TEXCOORD0,
in float3 inTangent: TEXCOORD2)
out_bump Out;
Out.Pos = mul(inPos,matWorldViewProj);
Out.Tex = inTex;
Out.Bump = inTex; // must be different coordinates for ps_1_1
// convert the sun vector to tangent space
// and transform the output values to the 0..1 range
// that is required for passing them to the pixel shader
Out.Light = normalize(mul(matTangent,-vecSunDir)) * 0.5 + 0.5;
return Out;
float4 ps_bump(out_bump In): COLOR
float4 texture = tex2D(sBaseTex,In.Tex);
float3 bumpNormal = tex2D(sBump,In.Bump);
// transform values back to the -1..+1 range
float diffuse = saturate(dot(In.Light*2 - 1,bumpNormal*2 - 1));
return texture * diffuse;
technique NormalMapping
pass One
VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 vs_bump();
PixelShader = compile ps_1_1 ps_bump();
See also:
Shader variables, matBones
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