This include file contains often used, small functions related to strings and file I/O.
It can also serve as example of using string manipulation and Windows API functions.
str_replace(STRING* str, char* original, char* replacement)
Replaces the first occurrence of one substring by another.
str_replaceall(STRING* str, char* original, char* replacement)
Replaces all occurrences of one substring by another.
str - STRING*, pointer to the string in which the substring is replaced.
original - STRING* or char*, the original substring.
replacement - STRING* or char*, the replaced substring.
str when a substring was found and replaced, otherwise NULL.
STRING* str = "I am %name%, your worst nightmare!"
str_cut(STRING* to, char* from, var start, var end)
Cuts a string out of a second string.
to - STRING*, target string pointer, or NULL for creating a new string.
from - STRING* or char*, the string from which to cut.
start - the start position from which to cut, beginning with 1 for the first character, or 0 for not cutting from the start.
end - the end position up to which to cut, beginning with 1 for the first character, or 0 for not cutting from the end.
STRING* str = "Do not go gentle into this good night";
STRING* newstr = str_cut(NULL,str,11,16); // newstr now contains "gentle"
str_parse(STRING* to, char* from, var start)
Parses a word out of a string. The string must consist of words separated by space characters ' '.
to - STRING*, target string pointer, or NULL for creating a new string.
from - STRING* or char*, the string from which to parse.
start - the start position from which to parse
(1 = first character), or 0 for parsing the next word after the position of the last str_parse, str_parse_tail, or str_parse_head call
if no other string was parsed inbetween.
STRING* str = "Do not go gentle into this good night";
STRING* newstr = str_parse(NULL,str,11); // newstr now contains "gentle"
str_parse(newstr,str,0); // newstr now contains "into"
str_parse_tail(STRING* to,char*from,char* tail)
str_parse_head(STRING* to,char*from,char* head)
Extracts a word out of a string when its last characters (str_parse_tail) or its first characters (str_parse_head) are given.
to - STRING*, target string pointer, or NULL for creating a new string.
from - STRING* or char*, the string from which to parse.
tail, head - STRING* or char*, the last or first characters of the word to extract.
to when a word with the given beginning or ending was found, otherwise NULL.
// get a file name from the command line
STRING* file_name = str_parse_tail(NULL,command_str,".txt");
var file_handle = 0;
if (file_name)
file_handle = file_open_read(file_name);
str_trim(STRING* str)
Removes space characters from the begin and end of a string.
str - STRING* or char*
file_dialog(char* title,char* filter)
file_dialog_save(char* title,char* filter)
Opens a file dialog
for opening resp. saving a file, and returns the selected file name.
title - STRING* or char*, the title of the dialog, or NULL.
filter - STRING* or char*, the file filter pattern (f.i. "*.TXT") or NULL. A pattern string can be a combination of valid file name characters and the asterisk (*) wildcard character. To specify multiple filter patterns, use a semicolon (f.i. "*.MDL;*.HMP;*.WMB"). Do not include spaces in the pattern string.
Selected file name with path (char*), or NULL when no file was selected.
The current directory is changed to the selected folder. If this is not desired, change it afterwards back to the game folder with the Windows API function
char* sky_name = file_dialog("Load skycube","*.tga;*.bmp;*.pcx;*.dds");
if (sky_name)
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