This variable determines the cursor image of the windows mouse pointer
when over the application window.
0: The mouse cursor is always switched off over the window.
1: The mouse cursor is switched off when mouse_mode is activated
and a mouse_map is set, otherwise it's a hand (default).
2: Like 1, but the mouse cursor is the standard arrow.
3: Like 1, but the mouse cursor is a crosshair.
4: Like 1, but the mouse cursor is a hourglass.
5..30: Activate further mouse cursors that are available on the system A7.08 .
- When
starting a debug session in SED, the SED mouse
cursor will be visible even when the engine mouse cursor is deactivated
or displays a different image.
- In fullscreen mode the system cursors are not visible; only a mouse_map can
be used for the fullscreen cursor.
// Switch off the mouse cursor over the window
mouse_pointer = 0;
See also:
mouse_mode, mouse_map
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