Project Window


Contains a tree list of all groups, objects and blocks of the level. Selected objects appear highlighted in the tree and in the edit windows. You can select an object by double clicking it. Multiple objects in the object tree can also be selected by holding [Ctrl] while clicking the objects.

Clicking right on an object opens the object menu where you can change properties. If you click on a + the group will be opened, so it's parts can be separately selected and edited.

Go To Object centers the object in all windows. New Group creates a new group within the current group. Scope To opens the scope level of the group in the 2D and 3D windows. Ungroup removes the object from the current group.

The render styles can be indivdually set to Mode / Wireframe, Mode / Solid, or Mode / Textured. Objects can be 'locked' against further editing through Mode / Locked, can be made invisible in the edit windows through Mode / Off, and can be temporarily excluded from the map through Mode / Exclude.


The View list contains pre-saved sets of window and camera positions. The Bookmark list contains sets of predefined texture favorites to appear in the Bookmark window (see below). All lists can be edited, saved, or loaded by right clicking onto them.

The Texture list contains a collection of WAD files and texture folders, thus determining which textures are available in the Textures Window. WAD files in Gamestudio, Quake or Halflife format can be added by Add WAD; in case of 8 bit palettized images the color palette should be the same as given under Map Properties. WAD textures normally contain four mipmaps. Some external WAD editors create WAD textures without mipmaps; then the textures will disappear in the game, dependent on the camera distance. This can be fixed by exporting and re-importing the texture in the Textures window. New WAD creates a new empty WAD file, into which you then can add textures in the Textures window; Build WAD creates a new WAD file that contains all textures currently used in the level.


Contains all available textures from their folders or WAD files (see also Texture Types). Texture folders and WAD files can be added and managed under Presets (see above). The images will come up below the respective folder or WAD bar and can be scrolled by the scroll bar at the right. If you click at a folder or WAD bar, the folder or WAD will be opened or closed. The folder window can be changed in size by dragging it at the lower edge. The Bookmarks bar contains a set of texture favorites that can be saved or loaded under Presets.

By double clicking a texture, it will be attached to the object selected at this time. The Object window shows the texture of the actual selected object; the Texture window display the currently selected texture. If you close a folder or WAD or move the mouse out of the project window, the last assigned texture stays visible in this window. Clicking right at a texture will open a pop up menu. It allows to add, remove, extract, or rename textures in a WAD file, and change display settings. Add to Bookmarks will add the selected texture to the texture bookmarks.

By the way, the size of the scroll bar slider can be adjusted by editing WED's configuration file data\options.scr with SED, and changing the TV_SBSIZE value.


This window displays a list of all files and resources of the project, as well as its paths and folders. You can open the specified editor for a certain file by double clicking onto it. Editors for different file types can be specified under Preferences. Clicking right on an item opens a little pop-up window with Open and Properties. Files belonging to the project are listed in the various folders: script files for .wdl, .c, .h; world files for .wmp, .qle, .$$m, .map; picture files for .pcx, .bmp, .tga, .dds, .jpg, .png; model files for .mdl, .x; terrain files for .hmp; wmb files for .wmb; sound files for .wav, .ogg; and effect files for .fx.

Double clicking an action or material displays the source code in a separate window. Right clicking and selecting Customize allows editing a customizable script without typing any code. For making your own scripts customizable, use Comment Tags. The [?] icon in the upper right corner of the dialog displays a help text when you click on the text of one of the 'tags' in the Customize window. Save saves the current values, Close aborts the editing.

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